Sterling Marketing

FedEx truck driving on the highway

4 Ways You Can Save Big, Shipping Through FedEx and UPS

Is your business about to enter the fast-paced world of eCommerce? Are you in the process of rethinking your order fulfillment process? If so, you probably have packaging, and how to get it to survive domestic or international shipping, on the brain. One of the many advantages of working with Sterling Manufacturing is a team

4 Ways You Can Save Big, Shipping Through FedEx and UPS Read More »

Someone putting a label on a box for shipping

The Top 8 Things You Need to Know About FedEx and UPS Shipping Guidelines

There’s a saying in the military that “no good plan survives first contact with the enemy.” The same might be said about product packaging and the brutal world of retail shipping. What may look and feel like a solid shipping box for your goods may conceal a fatal flaw that rears its head only after

The Top 8 Things You Need to Know About FedEx and UPS Shipping Guidelines Read More »

Fulfillment process

5 Tips for a More Efficient Fulfillment Process

Whether you’re a family operation fulfilling customer orders from your home office or an established brand with its own warehouse and crew, efficiency matters. Regardless of scale, sending your customer’s orders out the door correctly and safely takes time, resources, and labor. Finding ways to reduce any of those means the potential to fulfill more

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